The staple foods in Chinese cooking or meals include rice, noodles, vegetables, herbs, sauces and seasonings. Glutinous rice or sticky rice is commonly used in many specialties. Our Chinese noodles usually comes in dry or fresh variety of sizes, shapes and textures, served in soups or fried as toppings and also topped with mixture of ground meat and vegetables which is usually dried or pickled.
To add a more savory flavor, we also add dried Chinese mushrooms, dried baby shrimps, dried tangerine peel, and dried Sichuan chilies and many more spices. Our sauce usually comes from fermented soy beans, wheat, Oyster sauce, clear rice vinegar, chili, Chinkiang black rice vinegar, fish sauce and fermented tofu, ground bean sauce and yellow bean sauce.
Aside from that, we also got the best and delicious sweetness of Chinese traditional desserts such as egg tarts, fortune cookies and seasonal fruits. We also have the famous “baobing” which is shaved ice with sweet syrup. We also ensure you that our desserts are less sugary and milder in taste.