A Chinese New Year celebration typically consists of a wide range of delicacies that brings a particular meaning of prosperity or good luck among the Chinese people. Some of those delectable meals are believe to bring fortune or significance to either a person’s life or business all throughout the coming year.
One of the most popular food is the rice cake or nian gao which correlates to the phrase nian nian gao sheng meaning increasing prosperity year after year. It also celebrates the bountiful rice harvest. It has a savory taste with a clearly sweet variation. We also have our flavorful dumplings which personifies wealth.
A superstitious belief also among Chinese people that the more dumplings you eat during New Year’s Eve celebration, the more money you can make on the coming year.
Aside from that, we also have the Long Noodles which signifies the concept of longevity and should never serve uncut. A spring rolls also which represents gold bars and a whole chicken that should be serve including the head and the feet still attached because it symbolizes a good marriage between families and many more Chinese New Year meals.